I. Purpose of collecting information:

TKF Service Trading Joint Stock Company (“TKF”) understands the importance and respect of the privacy of the website visitors of the Personal Information (“Information”). The Information Privacy Policy will provide an overview to make the purpose of information collection transparent; scope and method of information collection; scope of use, access objects, information storage time; links and third-party products on the website; commitment to information security; rights and responsibilities of users; Information and methods of contact are provided in this Policy.

This policy is applied when users access the website, that is, the user agrees to the terms that TKF stipulates in this Policy (including supplement and amendments from time to time. point).

II. Scope of using information

TKF collects User Information mainly for the purpose of supporting and maintaining relationships with Users such as:

  1. Maintain contact with users, answer user questions related to the Services of TKF;
  2. Send open letters, letters of thanks;
  3. Notify users of promotional information, advertisements or for direct marketing purposes.
  4. Evaluating and analyzing TKF’s market, customers and services
  5. TKF collects Information to serve the purpose of improving the quality of the Services such as:
    • Identify visitors, website of TKF;
    • Analyzing and optimizing websites of TKF;
  6. Other contents that TKF is allowed to use the Information are not contrary to the provisions of law.

III. Scope of information collection

  1. Information of users that TKF will collect includes:
    • Full name;
    • Phone number;
    • Email;
    • Address;
  2.  For each other, specific collection purposes, from time-to-time TKF may require users to provide additional Information to ensure the user’s use or to ensure the connection between TKF and Users are smooth, convenient.
  3. For the scope of collecting Information mentioned in this Policy, users can choose to provide or refuse to provide Information to TKF.

IV. Information storage time

Personal data of users will be stored until cancellation request from customers. Remaining in all cases, personal information of members will be kept confidential on the website of

Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information

Head office address: 2nd Floor, Satra Dong Khoi Tower, 58 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, HCMC., Vietnam
Phone: 0844216565

V. Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data.

  • Users have the right to check, update and adjust their personal information by logging into their account and editing their personal information or request’s website management to do this.

  • Users have the right to send a complaint about the disclosure of personal information to a third-party website When receiving this feedback, website management confirms the information, it is responsible for answering the reason and instructing users to recover and keep the information confidential.

VI. Cam kết bảo mật thông tin khách hàng

  • Personal information of members on are committed to absolute confidentiality in accordance with’s personal information protection policy. The collection and use of information by each member is done only with the consent of that user unless otherwise provided by law.
  • Do not use, do not transfer, provide or disclose to any third party about the member’s personal information without the consent of the member.

  • In case the information server is attacked by a hacker resulting in personal data loss, will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely handling and notification. for members to know.

  • Absolutely confidential all information of online transactions of members including invoice information and digital documents in the secure data center area of ​​

VII. The process for handling complaints related to customer personal information

  • Members on the site have the right to send complaints about issues related to personal information on the TKF site to the website management via:
    • Phone: 0844216565
    • Email:
  • Upon receiving the complaint information, the website management board is immediately responsible for checking the status of the user information that is complained about, the cause and seeking remedies. In case of necessity, it is possible to use support services of companies on network security.
  • Website management is responsible for responding to the complainant about the result of complaint settlement within 30 days from the date of receiving the complaint.
  • In case the complaint settlement results show that the fault belongs to the website management board, the website management board must compensate the complainant for the actual damages arising from the violation of information security commitments. individual customers.